Posted on 2/4/2025

Auto Repair Guide: Is Repairing Your Car Worth It? When your car breaks down, and the mechanic calls with bad news—like needing a new transmission—you're probably wondering whether to repair or replace it. Here's a simple guide to help you decide if the repair is worth it. Reasons to Repair Your Car It's Paid Off: If your car is already paid for, you may prefer to avoid another down payment and monthly payments on a new car. Your Car is Still Relatively New: If your car is under four years old and has been reliable, it could last several more years after the repair. You’ve Already Paid for Depreciation: Cars lose value quickly, especially in their first year. You’ve already taken that hit, so sticking with your car might be a better financial choice than buying a new one. Lower Insurance and Registration: Older cars often have lower insurance and registration c ... read more